The posters for The Hunger Games came out the other day. Am eagerly anticipating the release for this movie, out in March next year (4 days b4 my birthday woohoo) I read the books this summer, swallowed all three of them in the span of three days. They were amazing, which is why I can’t wait to see what Lionsgate has done with the adaptation.
The posters, individual ones of some of the characters are profiles of the characters on a black background. The faces are illuminated with light, and in certain pictures some of the features are more accentuated with a hint of some color. Such as the one of Effie (played by Elisabeth Banks), however my personal favorites is the one of Cinna (played by the handsome Lenny Kravitz). I think this was my absolute favorite casting choice out of all the cast. I think Kravitz will do an amazing job as the sympathetic but subdued and private Cinna, and I absolutely LOVE his poster. The yellow eyelashes are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!!
Lenny Kravitz is a beautiful man as he is, but those lashes!!! Be still my heart!!
I can't wait for this movie!!!